Today is the day… or at least it’s my day. The Pelican Tide is here.
It’s launch day June 11, 2024.

I’m feeling all the feels. Thank you if you’ve pre-ordered a book, it should arrive any moment!
Thank you in advance for
Reading and spending your time and money to journey with me to Grand Isle, Louisiana
Asking your public library to order a copy
Recommending me to a book club
Taking a moment to read the new pages on my website about the Restore Grand Isle project
Posting an honest review on Amazon
Join Me Today!
I’m excited to be part of the Cyrus Webb Show. I’ll be live - on screen - today at 5:30 EST. If you miss me live you can catch the replay.
Now, Back the Newsletter
I’ve had mostly joy releasing my book into the world. The launch arrives after the writing, editing, editing, editing, did I mention editing? And all the moving parts of working with my agent and waiting through submission, then amazingly landing a book deal.
I’ve learned more about myself and book publishing in these last few months than I expected.
Almost as soon as the contract with Lake Union Publishing was signed, I began researching how to launch a debut novel. Here’s some of what I’ve learned. If you’re fortunate to have a first book or a tenth book, this maybe helpful to you.
Book Debuts Activities Try or Not Try?
Set your goals. What do you want your book launch to accomplish? I have specific goals for my book. You may be surprised to learn, making money isn’t one of them. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to lose money. I dream of supporting myself through writing. But my research has shown, don’t quit my day job.
If money is your intention than your goals may be to become a paid speaker, teach or run workshops, raise your brand recognition and write paying articles, establish yourself in the market with a number of books to increase sales.
Don’t do all the things! (you can’t anyways) In our desire for success, there is also peer pressure to throw yourself everywhere - post regularly to social media, make TikTok videos, host a cover reveal, pay for an online book tours, write articles, have a newsletter, be a guest on podcasts, set up a bookstore tour, go to book sales and festivals, hire a publicist, appear on television. And the list goes on. STOP, JUST STOP! The book promotion landscape has change dramatically as has all media and marketing. Do what feels right for you, your time, and your budget. Here is what I’ve done to date and my thoughts.
Start a newsletter: Okay, not sure if this one counts because I started this Substack well before I had a book deal. I started Research for Writers and Other Curious People because I wanted to not because I was told I needed to. I’m a magazine/newsletter writer from way back - going on 30 years. This is my favorite writing. Yes, I recommend it.
Post regularly on social media: I’m meh on social media. My facebook is private if you’ve looked for me and haven’t found me. I have, however, found several Facebook groups that I’m enjoying interacting with such as the Tattered Page Book Club, the Northern Virginia Writers, and my peers at the Women’s Fiction Writers Association.
I haven’t deleted X because I’m hopeful someone will rescue it. But I haven’t looked at it since Elon bought it. I post on LinkedIn on a professional level. I like Instagram but honestly, my content is crappy when compared to just about everyone. I do like interacting with other writers on IG. And nope, not on Tik Tok, I would make the worst videos and I don’t like to be on screen. Your mileage will vary. I’m “out” there and I’m okay with it most days.
Hire a publicist: I’m working with Trina Kaye of the Trina Kaye Organization. I made the decision because I had some goals and “things” I wanted to try as a new author. With Trina’s help, I’ve been booked on podcasts and radio - recommend even if you do it yourself. I have contributed to print media - recommend even if you do it yourself. I made it a goal to use as many of my free ARCS (uncorrected presale copies) of my book as I could. Trina also helped me connect with the good people running Restore Grand Isle. I’m working with them to raise money for island restoration.
Run an Ad: I took advantage of a new release ad in Poets & Writers magazine. This was me covering all the bases. This was a waste of money. The ad is poor quality and the font size is so small it’s impossible to read. Don’t recommend.
Make Some Swag: I made promotional bookmarks and Do Not Feed the Pelican stickers. I highly recommend the bookmarks as they’ve been an easy way to promote my book. I had extra thick ones made that can’t be easily folded. The front is a cute image and the back has a QR code to buy the book. Recommend and it’s affordable. I’m just now giving away the stickers and I love having them.
Run a Goodreads Giveaway: My publisher, Lake Union ran a giveaway for 100 e-books. So, technically I haven’t done it myself. But, the response has been amazing. As of this writing 4900 people have entered. That’s not 4900 sales ; ) but it is 4900 people who read my book description, saw my cover and said, that looks good. We all love to hate Goodreads for lots of valid reasons but … I recommend this. And, if you run the giveaway yourself, you are given the list of winners who then can become part of your email list. See #3 start a newsletter.
Apply for Book Festivals: I’ve been invited to the New Hampshire Book Festival October 4-5 and George Mason University’s Fall for the Book October 17. This was a BIG personal goal. I want the joy of being an author at a festival. I’ll write more after those events after they happen, but it’s super gratifying to have the invite. Recommend.
Online Book Tour: With social media zooming by so fast, I’ve opted not to hire an online book tour professional. Yes I’d love reviews but the cost (currently) doesn’t seem worth it. See #6 run an ad.
Set up a Bookstore Tour: I can’t say I won’t do this, but just not now. Because Lake Union is an Amazon imprint, bookstores won’t carry the title unless it’s specially ordered. I’m fearful of being the author who arranges an event and no one shows up.
Set up a Table at a Bookfair. This is different from a book festival because I have to bring the books and handle all the point of sales, taxes, marketing, etc. I may do this in the future, but it doesn’t feel worth the effort for my first and only title.
Appear on Television: This is a big no for me. Along the same lines of I don’t make Tik Tok videos, I don’t want to be on TV. But that’s me. You debut you. I also know from other authors that TV doesn’t generate book sales.
Author Website Brand Building: Everything I am doing and planning on doing builds my brand. I have invested in an amazing author website. Please visit for news about me, the book, and how to help Grand Isle. Also Camille at Web4Writers is the web designer of my dreams. Highly recommend.
Be Active in the Writing Community: This one activity is the most important. Through my work with the Women’s Fiction Writers Association, I have made many wonderful friends and contacts. I have contributed to newsletters, been the recipient of word of mouth good will, learned about writing and promotional opportunities, and have had the fun of cheering on my peers in their success. You should hang out with people who you want to emulate. I’m now a member of the Northern Virginia Writers and I’ve joined the Women’s National Book Association. These new groups have expanded my friendships and each offers something important. I’m now plugged into my local writers, participate in the smartest book club ever, and just feel better about what I can do and offer to others. Recommend - find your people.
Be Grateful and Gracious: While this seems to be obvious, good manners and all, I remind myself every day that I am here on pub day because of so many wonderful, supportive people. If you do have my book, I hope you’ll read the acknowledgments to learn about my journey. Writing is about connection, conversation, and community - make them, have them, build them.
Thank you for being part of my community today and everyday. Happy Pub Day. Much love and appreciation — Sharon
Congrats on launch day! Already download book and purchased audio, since that how I roll these days. Been looking forward to reading it since we had dinner in Salem. Great advice for launching a book!