Sharon, you’ve done a fabulous job of educating, or re-educating, on the subject of questionable museum acquisitions and the morality of same. Your humorous tone is a great help in hammering home your point. Great read!

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Today, my book club talked about "The Writing of the Gods" by Edward Dolnick. Some history preceding the search for the Rosetta Stone, the scramble to find pieces, and the eventual decoding. Took the searchers and decoders a bit to put it mildly. I recommend the book. I may change my mind, but right now, I say finders keepers, the Rosetta Stone being a good example of how the local appreciation of what they have and efforts to preserve could be less than optimal even destructive when it comes to preserving artifacts.

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This sound right up my reading alley. Adding it to my TBR! Thanks for the comment

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Tell us what you think of the savants. I won't say more. You must read.

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